Monday, late September. The new seasons of TV shows are premiering and, in previous years, we'd either be watching "Castle's" premiere, or waiting one more week, desperate with promos, sneak peeks, stills and so on.

But not anymore. September, 2016 is the first time since 2009 we won't have another season of "Castle," and even those who weren't really missing the show so far - since we'd be on hiatus anyway - is starting to feel a void without new episodes.

What to you mean, we won't be following the 12th Precinct in their investigations? What to you mean, we won't see Caskett taking another step in their relationship? What to you mean, no more Badass beckett making us proud? What to you mean, no more Castle Mondays?

That's a hole that'll be in our hearts from now on, and there aren't enough reruns or fanfics to fill it. But we're gonna try anyway. And even if it doesn't help so much in making us forget how much we miss Beckett & co. week after week, at least it's a sweet homage to the most "remarkable, maddening, challenging, frustrating" character we've ever met, that even if she's not around us anymore, she stills "inspire us to do great things".

This project is for the extraordinary KB - e for the equally extraordinary actress who portrayed her for so many years. We analyze, explore, ponder, remember and honor some of Beckett's greatest feats in 8 seasons of "Castle". For how many people did she get justice? How many people have sat across from her in an interrogation? How many times did she go to the morgue - and had some much needed girl talk with Lanie? How many coats does that woman actually have in her closet? And most importantly, how many Caskett kisses were there on the show?

Check out our info-graphic (in Portuguese & English) for all those answers and many, many more!


(Also available in our gallery!)


A huuuuge "THANK YOU" to everyone who help us, either by offering to watch a few episodes and write down everything we needed to know, or by offering some much needed moral support. Thank you to The Stana Times (Tata, Ag, Ju, Bê), who came on board this project without hesitating, and to the other girls who helped us organize all the data (Lui, Mi). Somehow, they managed to get through without giving up or murdering me in the process, even after I told them they needed to rewatch ALL episodes for the THIRD time, because I just remember something that simply NEEDS to be in this graphic (and that probably ended up not even making the cut, in the end). Sorry for all the crazy.
Hugs & kisses to the girls who help us collect all this data: Adriana (@adriana_tatsch), Ana Elisa (@anafrecchiani), Carol (@Carol_Azevedo93), Dri (@dricajuca), Ellen (@Ellen_Lima29), Fernanda (@nandadebate), Gabriela (@Gaby_mBorges), Gersoneide (@NeideVenceslau), Giulia (@gifigueira), Iza (@izadibiase), Jaque (@jaquelinedjt), Ju (@juh_mayumi), @LanaBexSean, Laura (@lauraa_michel), Leticia (@leticiafmt), Mari (@MariHastings), Mi (@MiiCamposs), Milene (@milenellopes), Nick (@campiezcalzona), Rayanne(@raianegirl), Sol (@Soll_AP), Thaís (@tais_menezes_)

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